Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 11(4), pp. 076-099
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2023 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
Improving the
teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary schools in
Abia state using adequate statistical analysis
Okpo Orie and 2Enogwe Samuel Ugochukwu
of Mathematics/Statistics, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede
of Statistics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,
Accepted 24, April, 2023 |
There is common knowledge that
the wealth and development of any nation cannot be separated
from her educational policies and strategies especially at
the primary and secondary levels, as these provide a strong
foundation and basic skill that will propel the
pupils/students to have strong affinity and total embrace of
the subject. Mathematics being the Chief host of most of the
disciplines, needs a pride of place in the decisions,
strategies, policies and fundamental issues of enacting laws
in the education sector so as to make teaching and learning
of the subject easy. In this work, we will be conducting
some experiments to ascertain if there will be a significant
difference in performance of Mathematics students who were
taught using the conventional/traditional method of teaching
as against using the (i) modern instructional aids and
materials (ii) motivational lectures before the
test/examination (iii) Computer systems, computer packages
and tutorials, A pre-test and two post-tests is conducted on
a randomly selected 50 students (25 males and 25 female),
fifty (50) objective questions covering most of the SS3
Mathematics curriculum will be administered during the Pre –
test and Post – test, and the results will be analysed. The
stakeholders, which comprises of, students, parents,
teachers and policy-makers in education sector shall respond
to well-constructed questionnaires which target is to
ascertain if the attitude of the stakeholders towards
teaching and learning does not significant affect students’
performance in Mathematics. We shall consider conducting a
statistical test to ascertain if the secondary schools
selected are not significantly consistent with each other
over the introduction of the innovation in teaching. We
expect that our findings shall be that the introduction of
the new innovation as a method of teaching should improve
the learning of Mathematics in our secondary schools.
Keywords: Mathematics, Secondary Schools, Statistical
Analysis, Abia state
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