Every now and then, we are constantly and repeatedly being bombarded with series of questions by all manners of researchers and scholars across the scientific community. And so, we decided to compile a list of frequently asked questions with a view to easing the whole process. It is our plan to add to this list where necessary.
Q: Why does The Standard Research Journals (SRJ) charge processing fee for publishing in its journals?
A: The Standard Research Journals publishes its journals using the open access model. Anyone can unlimitedly and immediately access all full text content, meaning The Standard Research Journals does not have any income from selling print or online versions of its journals or from charging "pay-per-view" fees. As such, she uses the handling fees paid by authors in her day to day operations such as payment of different categories of staff, electricity generation, internet subscription, research, training and retraining, web hosting, awareness campaign, capacity building, technology transfer, sustainability and funding of international offices, organization of conferences, corporate social responsibility, other production expenses etc.
It costs money to produce a peer-reviewed, edited, and formatted article that is ready for online publication, and to host it on a server that is freely accessible without barriers around the clock. We ask that as a small part of the cost of doing the research, the author, institution, or funding agency pays a modest fee to help cover the actual cost of the essential final step, the publication.
Authors are charged a handling fee for each accepted manuscript. Manuscripts are only published after the handling fee has been received. Publication fees may be paid by several different ways (we will send you the details of the bill and payment options after your manuscript is accepted for publication).
Q: Who Should Submit Manuscript(s) to SRJ?
A: Submissions are sought from theorists, corporate professionals, research institutes, academics/scholars, researchers, scientists and educators. Graduate students are particularly encouraged to submit manuscripts especially manuscript(s) co-authored with their academic advisor(s).
Q: Is SRJ a Close Access or Open Access Journal?
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Advantages of Open Access for Authors
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Indeed,Open Access gives a worldwide audience larger than that of any subscription-based journal and thus increases the visibility and impact of published works. It also enhances indexing, retrieval power and eliminates the need for permissions to reproduce and distribute content. SRJ is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published.
Q: Why Standard Research Journals (SRJ)?
A: SRJ ensures timely publication of your academic work using a Friendly Online System. Accepted papers are immediately published online. Our goal is to notify authors of the decision on their manuscript within two weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue.
SRJ also ensures high visibility and high availability, free and unlimited accessibility of the publication over the internet without any restrictions to the international community. Our objective is to bring the highest quality research to the widest possible audience.
Q: Can advertisement be done on the Standard Research Journals’ website?
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Q: Who owned Standard Research Journals?
A: The Standard Research Journals is owned and managed by African-American scholars and Institutions.
Q: What is the time frame for publication byStandard Research Journals?
A: TheStandard Research Journals publishes manuscript(s) on a monthly basis.
Q: What is SRJ Journals Impact Factor Status?
A: For any journal to have an Impact Factor, however, it must be tracked by Thomson Reuters (ISI) for three years. Frankly, SRJ is a newly enthroned digital publishing concern whose journals are currently undergoing the evaluation process for inclusion into the ISI Master Journal List. Thus, they are yet to receive Impact Factor (IF).
Q: When and how shall I receive a proof of my article?
A: A proof of most papers published will be sent to the corresponding author within 2 weeks, generally by e-mail in PDF format.
Q: My manuscript is online—when will it be published?
A: All manuscripts that appear online are considered published. The date it appears online is the definitive publication date. The publication date of your article will appear centred at the top of the first page of the work.
Q: Why have changes been made to my article after it was accepted?
A: All papers are subject to copy-editing after acceptance to ensure that articles conform to journal style, that there are no spelling or grammatical errors etc.
Q: When do you need my proofs back?
A: We require proof corrections to be returned within two working days.
Q: Has my paper been accepted? Please could you send an official letter of acceptance?
You would receive a letter of acceptance from the Editors of the journal once your paper has been accepted. If you have any doubts over whether your paper has been accepted, please contact the Editorial Office.
Q: When will I receive online access to my article?
A: Corresponding authors will be sent URLs for their online papers once they are published.
Q: Can we receive a waiver for our article's charges?
A: If you are coming from a developing country, you may receive a waiver of publication charges. You are entitled to apply for partial waiver if you know you cannot pay the full amount. Contact our account section at accounts@standresjournal.org or standardresearchjournals.accts@gmail.com for request of partial waiver to your manuscript if you cannot pay the stipulated amount of processing charges. Other reasons for applying for a waiver should be directed to the Editor of the journal, who may have the discretion to grant a waiver.
Q: In a situation where a board member decides to submit a manuscript for publication, will he also pay the processing fee when such paper is accepted for publication?
A: Before now, Editorial board members do not pay processing fees/publication charges for their manuscripts. But to put it quite frankly, we which to express the view that all through the years, this concession has been dastardly abused a great deal as many reviewers now capitalize on it as a veritable avenue to publish manuscripts belonging to their colleagues with a seemingly untenable predisposition to hide under the guise of corresponding authors.
In view of the above submission, the publication committee of the Standard Research Journals decided that the first manuscript send by an editorial board member be published free of charge. Any other submission after then shall attract some moderate charges in the form of a waiver. |