Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 4(7), pp. 244-249
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2016 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
Role of Forest in Promoting Rural Livelihood in Ganye Local
Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria
*1Gaya A.S., 2Hammanjoda
B. and 3Jalo J.N
of Forestry Technology, Adamawa State College of Agriculture
P.M.B. 2088 Ganye, Adamawa State, Nigeria
of Animal Health and Production Technology, Adamawa State
College of Agriculture P.M.B 2088 Ganye, Adamawa State,
Agricultural Extension and Management, Adamawa State College
of Agriculture P.M.B 2088 Ganye, Adamawa State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author
Accepted 19 July 2016 |
This study determined the Role
of Forest in Promoting Rural Livelihood in Ganye Local
Government Area of Adamawa State. The specific objectives
were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of the
respondents, identify the factors that could enhance food
security, examine the benefits derived from forest for
promoting rural livelihood, and to identify the measures
that could encourage the sustainable management of natural
resources in the study area. Both primary and secondary data
were used; descriptive statistics was employed for the
analysis of data. The study revealed that majority (31.3%)
of the respondents fall within the age of 30 – 49 years of
age with 35% of them having access to primary education.
Majority of the respondents (93%) are farmers. 75% of them
are male who are married (60%) with their household sizes of
11and more people in a household, with 6-10 years of farming
experiences. Majority of the respondents identify food
production (84%), food storage (60%), and food selection
(61%) as major measures that could enhance food security in
the study areas. Major benefits as pointed out by the
respondents includes: fuel wood (70%), charcoal (60%), food/
fruits (51), timber (52%) and non- timber products (52%).
The respondents identify aforestation (71%), avoidance of
deforestation practice (71%) and agro-forestry practice
(71%) as the major measures that could result to sustainable
management of natural forest resources. The study
recommended the following: encouragement of aforestation and
agro-forestry practices, discouragement of illegal hunting
of bush meat, avoidance of discriminate setting of fire on
forest and bush land, rural household to be educated by
extension agents on the use of new technologies for the
storage of forest products, workshops and seminar to be
organize to educate rural dwellers on the management of
natural resources in the study area.
Keywords: Forest, rural, livelihood, household, role,
sustainable, natural resources.
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