Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 3(7), pp. 187-191
July 2015
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2015 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
Effect of lipemia interferences in routine clinical
Biochemical Tests
Biljali, 2Nexhbedin Beadini, 2Sheqibe
Beadini, 2Nexhibe Nuhii and 2Albulena
of Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, Skopje,Macedonia
of Biochemistry, State University of Tetovo,
*Corresponding Author E-mail:; Tel.
+389 70345545
Accepted 15 July 2015 |
Lipemic specimens are common and frequent, but yet
unresolved problem in clinical chemistry, and may produce
significant interferences in the analytical results of
different biochemical parameters. The aim of this study was
to examine the effect of lipid removal using
ultracentrifugation and LipoClear treatment of lipemic
samples, on some routine biochemistry parameters. Material
and Methods: The samples obtained daily in the laboratory,
the ones which were visibly muddy were selected and
underwent to a process of LipoClear treatment and
ultracentrifugation, being determined a variety of
biochemical tests before and after investigation. A total of
150 samples were studied. Results: Using the
ultracentrifugation we found greatest differences in the
concentration of alanin amino peptidase (10.6%) and the
smallest one in the concentration of glucose (0.61%).
Clinical interferences were found for urea, creatinine and
calcium (those generally lead to significant errors in the
interpretation of laboratory results). Results showed no
significant differences in analyte values before and after
LipoClean treatment, except for the total proteins,
cholesterol and triglycerides. Conclusion: The individual
laboratories most is quantify interference from lipemia for
their specific methods and instruments, as the interference
could be analyzed and/ or reagent-specific. Only if there is
significant interference should the use of lipid clearing
agents be considered. LipoClear does reduce lipemia but most
methodologies are often sufficiently robust to avoid
interference from lipemia. The percentage change in the
concentration of different analytes before and after
ultracentrifugation in hyperlipidemic sera never exceeded
the total allowable error, significant differences in all
parameters were found except for total bilirubin, glucose,
and AST. This is the importance of proper treatment of
lipemic samples and the significance of interferences in
preanalytical phase and in the whole process of biochemical
analysis of serum samples.
Keywords: Lipemia, Ultracentrifugation, LipoClear,
Biochemical Tests, Interferences
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