Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 2(10), pp.
October 2014
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2014 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of stream
sediments at Gulf of Al Aqaba, Sinai, Egypt
El-Safa NA, *2Ibrahim ME, 1Walley el
Dine N, 1ElShershaby AM and 1El Bahei
of Girls for Art, Science and Education, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt
Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 12 October 2014 |
The study area is
part of south eastern Sinai, Egypt, western coastal zone of
Gulf of Al -Aqaba. The area of study is drained by Wadi (w)
Lethel, W. Zewarai (trending NW-SE), W.Tarter and W. Um
Adawi (trending E-W). The ESEM-EDAX analyses revealed the
presence of five groups. The first group includes secondary
uranium mineral; kasolite. The second group contains; Th-bearing
mineral as uranothorite. The third one include base metal as
galena. The fourth group include accessory minerals;
columbite, xenotime and zircon. The last group contains
supergene sulfide minerals; barite and atacamite, beside
hematite and goethite may reflect that the sediments have
been subjected to the extensive alteration. The
concentrations of trace elements in stream sediment have
been determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The
stream sediment samples at the downstream of W. Um Adawi,
shows high U and Th (from 687 to 1 ppm and from 589 to 3 ppm
respectively), Zr and Y contents (more than 1% and 2400-
3490 ppm respectively), manifesting the common presence of
both zircon - xenotime minerals .The later usually carrier
for heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) . Also, Pb contents in
W. Um Adawi stream samples is also high ranging between
about 1000 and 5000ppm ,suggesting the presence of galena
mineral. Nb, varies between (1496-2165 ppm). Some samples in
W. Um Adawi contain high Ba (1759- 2500 ppm) and Sr (more
than 1%) clarify the presence of barite mineral .Cu element
in some samples up to (297 ppm) may be indicator to the
occurrence of atacamite mineral. Barium, nickel, zircon,
strontium and chromium contents were found to be high in
most stream sediment samples. The origin of uranium appears
to be closely associated with Zn, Nb and Y mineralization
and may be reflects their intimate coherence.
Keywords: Stream sediments, Gulf of Al Aqaba, uranium
mineral, base metals.
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