Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol.2(5), pp.
May 2014
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2014 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
The use of copper to ameliorate the adverse effect of nickel
the antioxidant enzymes in the root of soybean
(Glycine max)
Vitthalrao B. Khyade1*,
Suryakant M Mundhe2*
and Paul R. Ehrlich3
of Zoology, ShardabaiPawarMahilaMahavidyalaya, Shardanagar,
Malegaon (Baramati) Dist. Pune – 413115.
Shardabai Pawar Vidya Niketan, Shardanagar, Malegaon (Baramati)
Dist. Pune – 413115.
of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford
*corresponding Author E-mail:,,
Accepted 21 May 2014 |
The Biodiversity is
the most commonly used term aim of which is to replace the
more clearly defined and well established terms , species
diversity and richness of species in a known region.
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life. It is seen in
the number of species in an ecosystem or on the entire
Earth. Biodiversity gets used as a measure of the health of
biological systems, and to see if there is a danger that too
many species become extinct. The United Nations designated
2011–2020 as the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. The
present study is concerned with biodiversity of
lepidopterous insects at Malegaon farm of Agriculture
Development Trust, Baramati India. A total number of 4397
specimens, which were identified into 19 families and 70
species. The study has been conducted during July – October,
2012 and 2013.In cropped area, a total number of 3050
specimens with a mean value of 53.509 and in the
non-cultivated area a total of 1347 with a mean value of
23.632 were collected, which differed significantly from
each other. The mean values in the months of August,
September and October were 28.000, 39.632 and 48.079
respectively and they differed significantly. The maximum
mean value of 206.80 specimens was obtained for the family
Noctuidae which had no significant difference with Pyralidae.
The minimum mean value of 0.6667 was achieved in the family
Bombycidae, which was statistically similar to most of other
Keywords: Biodiversity, lepidopterous, Agriculture
Development Trust
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