Recent floods and
consequences all over the world are becoming too frequent
and threat to sustainable development in human settlements.
The objective of this study is to examine the substantive
causes and selected effects of floods in south western
Nigeria with a view to identify solution for sub stainable
development. The work is limited to the cities and town of
the region. Read literature on floods. Flood occurrences and
effects in major cities and towns of the region were
observed and studied for thirty years. Living habits of the
urbanities were studied. 6 monarchs and 240 other urban
dwellers were interviewed. Documentaries on radio and
televisions were listened to and used. Records of physical
planning were pursued in the ministries of physical planning
and environment/infrastructure in the states of the region.
No city or town of the south western Nigeria is absolutely
free from floods in any year. The numbers of occurrences,
magnitudes, affected area and adverse socio-economic
consequences have been increasing over the year. Living
habits of the urban dwellers, urban policies and programmes.
Government concerns and others have been unsustainable.
There must be pragmatic physical planning and sustainable
living habit of the urbanities otherwise, with global
warming; the effects of floods in the region may be more
Keywords: Flood, Nigeria, Urban Dwellers, Global warming and
Climate change |