Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 2(13), pp.
December Special Issue 2014
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2014 Standard Research Journals |
Review article
Assessment of Groundwater vulnerability to pollution
in the southern part of Nile Delta, Egypt
*1Fattah MK and 2Ragab EG
1Environmental studies and
research institute (ESRI), University of Sadat City, Egypt
2Holding Company for Water
and Waste Water – Menoufiya Company, for Water and Waste
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 24 November 2014 |
pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems
in the world. Human activities, e.g. industrial,
agricultural and household represent a real threat for
groundwater quality. The study has been initiated to assess
the present state of the groundwater pollution problem in
the study area; its vulnerability assessment to delineate
areas that are more susceptible to contamination has become
an important element for water resource management and land
use planning. The results of this study can be used to
determine where communities should undertake aggressive
protection of the groundwater. These values were
reclassified into three classes: low, moderate and high
vulnerable zones. The high vulnerability zones of the study
area are located in the western part of the study area
beside the Rosetta Nile branch, High vulnerable rate in such
areas is due to the low thickness of clay cap layer of
Holocene aquitard, coarse texture of the soil zone and high
downward flows which permit infiltration of more pollutants
from the upper Holocene to the underlying Pleistocene
aquifer, the risk of vulnerability of groundwater pollution
in that area is high. Regional development planners will
benefit from knowledge of local sensitive aquifers. The
moderate vulnerable zones are located in the middle part of
the study area, The low vulnerable zones are well
distributed and are mainly located in the middle and east
parts of the study area Some low vulnerable zones can also
be seen in the north western part.
Keywords: Groundwater vulnerability, groundwater, pollution,
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