Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 2(12), pp.
December 2014
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2014 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
Post harvest fungi associated with contamination of Cabbage
(brassica oleracea) and Lettuce (lactuca sativa)
in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria
*2Shuaibu NH, 1Fatima SG, 1Binta
SB and 2Jamila MH
of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Kano
of Biological Sciences, Sa’adatu Rimi College of Education,
*Corresponding E- mail:;
Phone: +2347067371893
23 December 2014 |
Fungi associated
with the contamination of cabbage and lettuce in Kano
metropolis were surveyed for six months with the object of
isolating and identifying fungi associated with spoilage and
deterioration of cabbage and lettuce and to determine the
relative abundance of each isolate. The surface of each of
the spoilt cabbage and lettuce leaves was washed with 1%
hypochlorite and rinsed in several changes of distilled
water. The samples were then separately plated on PDA plate
and SDA media and incubated at room temperature for 6 days.
A total of (42) fungal isolates were obtained from all the
vegetables. These isolates were identified as Mucor
racemosa, Aspergillus flavus, Rhiozopus stolonifer,
Penicillium, Neurospora crassa, and Altanaria brassica.
From these findings, it was discovered that cabbage and
lettuce harbors a lot of fungi which can be pathogenic and
this is as a result of poor storage. Therefore, cabbage and
lettuce should be properly washed before use or the spoilt
portion be removed completely.
Keywords: cabbage, lettuce, fungal contamination, Kano
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