Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol.1(14), pp.
December 2013
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2013 Standard Research Journals |
Evaluation of the phytoecological indicator species in the
airborne palynomorphs from Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria
*1Essien BC and 2Nkang AE
1Department of Biological
Sciences, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria
2Department of Botany,
University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 10
November 2013 |
Airborne palynomorphs from eight localities in Anyigba, Kogi
State, Nigeria were analyzed palynologicaly for their
phytoecological indicator species. A total of fourty-seven
(47) pollen type belonging to twenty- nine (29) plant
families were encountered. Indicator species identified were
those of forest (2378), savanna (6819) and human impact
(823) pollen grains. The predominant indicator species were
pollen of Alchornea cordifolia Sw., Berlinia grandifolia
(Vahl) Hutch. And Dalz., Commiphora africana, Elaeis
guineensis Jacq., Nauclea latifolia Sm., Lannea acida A.
Rich., Syzygium guineense, and members of the families
Poaceae, Combretaceae/ Melastomataceae and Asteraceae
tubiliflorae complex. Analysis of variance for the various
phytoecological indicator species shows that there was no
statistical significant difference (P>0.05) between the
pollen recorded for the various indicator species.
Indicators of Savanna species were the highest pollen
contributors. The variation in the monthly pollen counts (of
families) and individual pollen types at different sites
suggests that the atmospheric concentration of pollen is
influenced not only by the meteorological factors, but is
essentially a function of the frequency, density and
abundance of plant species as well as their flowering
behavior at a given locality. Results confirmed the
vegetation of the study area to be Derived Savanna despite
high level of anthropogenic activities. The results of this
study have shown the various phytoecological indicator
species in the study environment; most of which are at the
verge of extinction through series of anthropogenic
activities. Such plants could be properly conserved and
their exploitation managed to prevent extinction thereby
enhancing biodiversity sustainability.
Keywords: Phytoecological, Palynological, Airborne
Palynomorphs, Indicator species, Kogi, Nigeria |
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