The present studies were carried out aiming to investigate
the population diversity of beetles’ fauna in district
Bahawalpur. Five different types of habitats namely,
Interdunal sandy area, Interdunal clayey area, Sand dunes,
Grassy plots and Area inside-outside residencies were
sampled using 50 pit fall traps which were operated on
weekly basis. A total of 507 specimens representing five
families Carabidae, Tenebrionidae, Scarabaeidae,
Coccinellidae, Elateridae and twelve genera Anthia,
Brachinus, Scarites, Calosoma, Blaps, Tentyria, Pimelea,
Onthophagus, Tomarus, Thyce, Coccinella and Agriotes were
recorded. Overall diversity was 86% and 88% on Simpson scale
and Shannon scale respectively. The highest similarity index
(0.66) was found between the site Interdunal sandy area and
Sand dunes.
Beetle, Simpson scale, Shannon scale, Bahawalpur