Standard Journal of Educational Research and Essay
Vol.2(1), pp. 001-007, April 2014
Copyright © 2014
Standard Research Journals |
The upsurge of men and women trading sex in the streets of
Gweru, Zimbabwe: Unpacking the dynamics and dimensions of
street prostitution in 2013-2014
*1Didmus Dewa and 2Nyengeterai
Development Studies, Zimbabwe Open University Midlands
of Counselling, Zimbabwe Open University Midlands Region
*Corresponding author E-mail:,,
Tel: 263774387011, 263773929551
Accepted 11 April, 2014 |
Commercial sex work
has been an insult to the African culture and value system
but due to globalisation and changing trends, the phenomena
has made inroads in Africa. Zimbabwean laws prohibit such
activity according to the old and new constitution of 2013.
Due to population growth and changing phases of
socio-economic and political hardships, sex work has
sprouted mainly in urban areas. Urban centres record higher
levels of currency circulation hence the influx of
commercial sex work. The introduction of the multicurrency
system in 2009 led to a lot of illegal and black market
activities as Zimbabweans hunt for the hard earned South
African Rand and US dollar. As formal employment
opportunities dwindle, people tend to venture into more
informal trade due to hardships. Women are the worst
affected due to gender imbalances and patriarchal systems of
oppression and exploitation. In light of these developments
in Zimbabwe, some women have ventured into commercial sex
activity. The sector has been green with US Dollars and
South African rand. Among other urban areas, Gweru has seen
changing dynamics and dimensions of sex trade. Street
prostitution has now sprouted as many women and men now
flock the urban streets of Gweru to transact sex in exchange
for the hard earned cash. The activity is blossoming along
7th street especially between CBZ and Econet building as
well as along 8th street area between Gweru City council and
Memorial Library. These streets have become a safe haven for
the trade. This paper sought to bring out the geographical
locations of the sexual transaction, age dimensions, profit
margins of female sex workers, risks they encounter and
their survival skills, reasons for engaging in street
prostitution and their proposed way forward. To get the
data, the researcher randomly visited the streets to solicit
for the data along the themes noted above. Interviews and
observation were the research tools employed by the
researcher. The deteriorating economy pushes these women
into street prostitution in order to make money for survival
and upkeep. They are abused and exposed to life-threatening
STIs and other rare diseases but they still have to continue
in the trade. This paper call for more researches on the
plight of sex workers. An all stakeholders research and
policy making conference pivoted on commercial sex work is a
practical recommendation to the problem.
Keywords: Commercial sex, African culture, Zimbabwe,
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