Consumers of health care in
Nigeria are now much more sophisticated with regard to their
health needs and rights and anxious to become more involved.
They appear to want: (1) optimum available health care as a
basic human right, rather than a privilege determined by
ability to pay; (2) a more efficient system of health care
delivery that, it is hoped, will preserve freedom of choice
and the traditional patient-doctor relationship; (3)
knowledge about preventive medicine as well as treatment and
rehabilitation; (4) prepaid comprehensive health insurance,
even if this entails compulsory health assurance.
Communities are faced with a war against illness and poor
health as well as poverty, social troubles, group conflict,
individual greed, hunger, and hopelessness. These are the
elements against which the health care system must fight to
achieve the goal of adequate health care for all.
Keywords: Consumers, patient care, management and health
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