Standard Journal of Educational Research and Essay
Vol. 2(7), pp. 232-236, October 2014
Copyright © 2014
Standard Research Journals |
The Uphill in technical Teacher upgrading in Malawi:
enhancement TEVET outcome programme
Noel Kufaine
Department of Technical Education,
University of Malawi, P/b 303, Chichiri, Blantyre 3, Malawi
Author E-mail:, |
There have been efforts to
achieve TEVET reform in Malawi whose emphasis has been to
develop TEVET training system, capacity building, teaching
and learning methods. The Enhancing TEVET Outcome programme
was designed to upgrade technical teachers in order to
improve the training outcome. The study looked at the
technical teacher upgrading programme purpose, detailed
explanation of the unit organisation and implementation. The
study also explored the perceptions of the different student
and program implementers. The study sampled the first two
cohorts from the ETO programme and interviewed 20 graduates
from the programme and four (4) principals from technical
colleges two (2) from publish and two (2) from private where
students were based. The study reveals that technical
teacher training is complex and upgrading and professional
development is inevitable. From the results it shows that
the technical teacher upgrading programme concentrated on
masterly of teaching methodology only. However, from the
principals’ response there is change being experienced after
the programme. The technical teacher development programme
that promotes two areas of masterly represents a new
paradigm and needs to be understood before implementing.
Keywords: Upgrading, professional development, skills,
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