Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 11(6), pp. 170-177
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2023 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
Computational time complexity investigation
of the various wireless network performance improvement
algorithms: A superiority case of the Novel TGI Algorithm
Uchenna Obioma, Nwanwelu Udora Nwabuoku and Nwakanma Mary
of Electrical and Electronics, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede,
Imo State, Nigeria
Accepted 20, June, 2023 |
In the world of data science and
digital processing, there is a computational complexity:
which could be in space or time; while accessing the
algorithms to perform computational tasks. Time complexity
is a type of computational complexity that describes the
time it takes to execute an algorithm; time it takes to
complete a statement in a single algorithm. The real essence
of innovation in science and engineering is to make people’s
lives easier by providing solutions to problems that they
face. To perform better, algorithms are written that are
time efficient and that also utilize less memory. To this
end, time complexities of the existing wireless network
performance algorithms are analyzed to x-ray their
computational efficiency with respect to time of execution
vis a vis the novel TGI wireless protocol scheme. The
performance analysis after their various code execution and
implementation using the NS3.36 network simulator version
shows that the time complexity of the novel TGI wireless
optimization algorithm out performs the other wireless
protocol algorithms in any wireless network.
Keywords: algorithm, wireless protocol, TGI wireless,
computational complexity |
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