Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 11(01), pp. 01-013
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2023 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
Estimation of Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity and Evaluation
of Empirical Formulae Based on Grain Size Analysis (GSA) in
Imo State, southeastern Nigeria
Theophilus Emberga, 2Alexander Opera,
2Samuel Onyekuru, 1Alexander
Omenikoro, 3Ali Bilar, 1Chika
Abara Josiah, 1Uhiara Chukwemeka
of Physics/Electronics, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri
of Geology, Federal University of Technology, PMB 1526
of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, PMB 1526
of Chemistry/Biochemistry, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede,
*Correspondent Author Email:
Accepted 25 January, 2023 |
Grain size distribution of forty (40) aquiferious samples
from boreholes drilled within the study area were determined
by means of mechanical sieve analysis. From the distribution
curves, grading characteristics: d10,
and d60
, their derivatives such as the effective size, uniformity
coefficient, coefficient of sorting, coefficient of
gradation and porosity were calculated. The hydraulic
conductivity of the unconsolidated aquifer materials was
first evaluated using empirical formulae on the basis of the
grain size. Analysis of the results obtained using the
various empirical formulae show that only Slitchter, and
Hazen formulae reliably estimated the hydraulic
conductivities of the various soil samples .The Beyer, and
USBR empirical formulae, significantly underestimated the
hydraulic conductivities of the samples and are probably not
within the domain of applicability for the soils analyzed in
the study area. Result of the study showed that the Hazen
model estimated hydraulic conductivity values which varied
from 0.09334- 5.10745 m/day with a mean value of 1.662 m/day
while estimated from the Kozeny- Carman equation gave values
which ranged between 3.782 – 1458.38 m/day with a mean value
of 366.04 m/day. Also estimates made using the Brayer
empirical equation revealed hydraulic conductivity values
ranging between 0.0347 – 3.388m/day with a mean value of
0.676 m/day while the Slitcher’s equations gave values
ranging between 0.529 – 15.999m/day with a mean value of
3.92 m/day. The USBR equation gave hydraulic conductivity
values which ranged between 0.00234 - 0.254 m/day with a
value of 0.46 m/day
Keywords: Grain size distribution; Sieve analysis; hydraulic
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