Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Vol. 3(5), pp. 105-109
May 2015
(ISSN: 2310-7502)
Copyright © 2015 Standard Research Journals |
Research article
Detection of
non-linearity in the time series using BDS statistics
MO(Ph.D), Oyekunle JO and Olalude GA
Department of Statistics, Federal
Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria
*Corresponding author:
Accepted 20 May 2015 |
The need to
determine the status of the series is a very important issue
that must be addressed before embarking on the statistical
analysis of such series; this paper therefore, examines the
status of the commercial bank savings in Nigeria. From the
analysis we discovered that at level the series was not
stationary as shown in figure1, however at the first
difference (figure 2) the series was stationary, so also the
unit root test applied shows that at level the series was
not stationary (table1) but at first difference it was
stationary (table 2) and this actually paved way for the
application of Brock- Dechert-Scheinkman (table 3) test
which actually revealed that this series could be best
estimated by the use of non-linear model as the null
hypothesis of linearity of the series was out rightly
rejected and the alternative was accepted. The importance of
this result lies on the fact that it guides against model
misspecification as using linear model to estimate the
parameter of the non-linear model will result in model
judgmental error.
Keywords: Stationary, Unit root, BDS test, linear model,
non-linear model, bank savings
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