Inspite of the
measures of use of galvanized pipelines and thick
anti-corrosion coating of oil pipelines and other metal
structures, corrosion of their material still go on, leading
to deterioration and systems failure including spills and
consequent environmental degradation, huge expenditure on
repairs, replacements, cleaning of spills, compensation to
flowline communities and revenue loss due to lost man hours
before repairs and replacements. If this situation is
allowed to continue a chunk of the budgets of oil companies
will always go to solving corrosion problems every year.
There is therefore urgent need to arrest the situation
through use of a combination of adequate coating, CP design
and use, pigging and modern remote corrosion monitoring
techniques, whose principles and applications are all
presented in this work, and which can serve as a blueprint
for protecting and remote monitoring of pipelines against
corrosion, ensuring no loss of pipelines or oil and thus an
increase in revenue generation.
Keywords: Solar, Electrolytic, Anodic, Pigging |