The most attractive feature of
an e-portfolio is the high student involvement in putting
together the contents of an e-portfolio, often through
discussion or negotiation with teacher. The portfolio
provides a more rounded and reliable assessment of learning
achieved than written examinations or essay assignments
alone. An evaluation-based learning system for the final
year project was set up as e-portfolio for students to
monitor their learning process during the semester,
including two online evaluations on the knowledge on
“research method”. Lecturer will revisit the content of
“research method” based on the result of online evaluation,
and give online reading materials and articles to both
experimental group (SN) and control group (SN) to help them
write up different parts of project, and control group (Non-SN)
without receiving any online materials. There were also two
online quizzes to re-assess how much they understand the
content of “research method” again after receiving online
materials/articles and lecturer’s supervisions in both
experimental group (SN) and control group (SN) and just
receiving lecturer’s supervision in control group (Non-SN).
An experimental study, ANCOVA analysis, and within-subject
analysis were conducted to reveal students’ learning
effectiveness in the study. Forty final year full-time BEd (ECE)
students in either 15 students in an experimental group (SN)
or 25 students in two control groups (15 students in SN and
10 students in Non-SN) were invited to participate in the
study. The CLEI (College Learning Effectiveness Inventory)
was used to measure student learning effectiveness during
the study. The result indicated that students in the
experimental group receiving e-portfolio assessment-based
learning system performed better in online quizzes and
report write-up than the two control groups did. This
implies that e-portfolio evaluation-based teaching can help
students learn better in writing up the final year project.
For students in the experimental group (SN), they are
encouraged to upload materials, literatures, or video clips,
related to their research topics onto e-learning to share
with group mates. As regards learning effectiveness, the
within-subject analysis indicated that most students in the
experimental group (SN) have shown improvement in academic
self-efficacy, organization and attention to study, and
class communication by the end of the project. Students
reflected higher anticipation of goal achievement, more
effective goal planning, and better involvement in class
Key words: e-portfolio, learning effectiveness