Standard Journal of Educational Research and Essay
Vol.1(1), pp. 21-24, January 2013
Copyright © 2013
Standard Research Journals |
Study of mental health of
visually impaired and hearing impaired rural and urban
adolescent students
*N A Nadeem, Javeed Ahmad Pujuand and Nadia Zahoor
Department of Education,
University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir India.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Received 27
December, 2012; Accepted 16 January, 2013 |
The present study
was carried out to compare visually impaired and hearing
impaired students on various dimension of mental health. A
sample of 200 students (100 visually impaired and 100
hearing impaired) was selected randomly form various
colleges in Kashmir. For the present study, Mental Health
Battery by Alpana Sen Gupta was used to collect the data.
The statistical analysis was interpreted by using some
statistical treatments. There was significant mean
difference between the two groups of students on their
mental health.
Key words: Visually impaired, hearing impaired,
mental health, higher education students.
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