Standard Journal of Educational Research and Essay
Vol.1(1), pp. 14-20, January 2013
Copyright © 2013
Standard Research Journals |
Impact of television watching on academic achievement of
adolescents with special reference to their socioeconomic
*Syed Noor-Ul-Amin
Department of Education,
University of Kashmir, India.
*Corresponding author.
Received 21
December, 2012; Accepted 16 January, 2013 |
The present study
was aimed to examine the impact of television watching on
academic achievement of adolescents with special reference
to their socioeconomic status. The sample for the study was
240 (120 heavy viewers and 120 low viewers) selected
secondary school adolescents of 15 to 17 years of age, which
were randomly selected from high and higher secondary
schools in District Srinagar (J and K) run by the
Government. Blank self constructed TV viewing information
was used for the identification of heavy and low TV viewers.
Academic achievement has been assessed on the basis of
aggregate marks in all the subjects secured by the students
in their two consecutive examinations, conducted by the J&K
State Board of School Education. The statistics applied on
the data comprised percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD)
and ‘t’ test were used for analysis of data. Line graph was
plotted in order to make the results transparent. It was
found that the heavy and low television viewer adolescents
differ significantly in their academic achievement. The mean
difference favors low television viewer adolescents. It
indicates that low TV viewer adolescents exhibit a higher
scholastic achievement than the heavy TV viewer group of
adolescents. On the other hand, heavy and low television
viewer adolescents, on the basis of gender, do not differ
significantly with respect to academic achievement.
Key words: Heavy and low TV watching, academic achievement,
secondary school students.
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